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Politics & Government

Falmouth Sues Itself Again in Wind Turbine Conflict

The town has filed a second lawsuit against its own Zoning Board of Appeals for siding with wind turbine neighbors who say their health is being harmed, the Cape Cod Times reports.

The dispute over Falmouth's municipal wind turbines, which has become the community's most divisive issue, has again turned town government against itself.

The Cape Cod Times reports that the town of Falmouth has filed a second lawsuit against its Zoning Appeals Board for siding with turbine neighbors who said the whirling wind generators were harming their physical and mental health. 

Read "Turbine ruling prompts new Falmouth lawsuit."

The town wants the courts to overturn the board's rulings that Falmouth must act to alleviate the negative health effects reported by two couples who live near the turbines, Barry and Diane Funfar and Neil and Elizabeth Andersen, the Times reports. 

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